
Evolution Of Mass Media Essay

Decent Essays

Major developments in the evolution of mass media

Media has been changing drastically since its inception. While print was the main form of media for the longest time, when radio and television became major forms of media they brought something with them that words could not do. People who were tuning in to the radio and watching television were now exposed to marketing campaigns, visual violence, sexuality, suffering and relief, and the start of celebrity idolization. As technology expanded and matured, the electronic age began. Since that time mass media has multiplied exponentially, information can be accessed faster and faster, more and more information could be circulated and accessed. As well as information circulating, marketing …show more content…

As people, have begun to receive more and more information from different sources, and see that there are more points of view and opinions on the same information, this is shown in both traditional and emerging media. This new source of information is a huge effect on not only American culture, but the entire world. Media can influence the opinions of people in severe ways, both good and bad, for example government influence on media can sway the opinions of the people exposed to that specific media. As the media plays such an influential role in the lives of most Americans, we need to ask ourselves, “Are we in control of the media, or is the media in control of us?” Media’s drastic growth has lead society to become more aware of what is going on socially, economically, etc. However, as more and more information is presented to us we are more susceptible to biased information that is underhandedly attempting to sway opinions to parallel that of the biased. As people become more aware about what is truly going on, and taking about it through emerging media sources and exposing themselves to many different sources of traditional media, the individual can find the truth and form his or her own educated opinion, and American culture holds this as a very important factor in the people’s everyday lives. We feel as if we are not droids controlled

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