
Examining the Health Care Needs of a Patient with Parkinson’s Disease

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Parkinson’s disease is a neurological disorder of the brain that affects muscle function
(PubMed, 2006). This type of diagnosis may lead to symptoms consisting of drooling, problems with walking, slowed movements, loss of minor hand motions, and issues swallowing (PubMed,
2006). The onset of this illness usually occurs in the latter stages of life after the age of 50
(Baker & Gershanik, 2006). Because Parkinson’s is a slow progressively debilitating disease, the sick require constant attention to track even minor changes. The initial phase of the disease demonstrates mild symptoms that may remain for a period of time if treated properly. As the illness progress, the sufferer begins to experience severe motor function …show more content…

According to published data, almost 40% of advanced PD patients need to be admitted to long- term care facilities within 15 years of diagnosis (Baker & Gershanik, 2006). This type of health care setting allows the patient to receive the quality of care desired and the attention to detail that goes beyond what the family can offer. There are many advantages and disadvantages between outpatient facilities and long term care facilities. The advantage of an outpatient clinic is the easy access and the cost containment that it has to offer. Freestanding clinics are privately owned but prove to be less expensive than your typical emergency room visit. The disadvantage for this disease type is the lack of knowledge pertaining to the treatment and investigation of the subject matter. On the other hand, a long term care hospital has the necessary specialists and health care workers to maintain the patient’s quality of life. The cost of this type of hospitalization is costly to the family and society but federal payments are given to hospitals for those insured by medicare (Shi & Singh, 2012).
The sick may also require surgery to the brain in addition to rehabilitative services, thereby increasing the cost substantially. Health care administrators may encounter several problems in relation to planning and delivering services for this type of patient. One problem involves the cost and lack of

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