Please allow this letter and the attached documentation to serve as a follow-up to the conversation you and I held with Ms. Hine during your mid-year evaluation conference on February 8th, 2018.
During that conversation, it seemed to me that you were not clear on what your role as a reading consultant for the Portland Public Schools consists of. You stated several times and in several different ways that you did not feel that you could serve as a reading consultant because you were not “supported by the administration.” You further stated that it was the administration’s responsibility to provide you training and support necessary for you to do your job as a reading consultant. You used an analogy in which you stated that our expectation that you serve as a reading consult was tantamount to us asking you to teach someone how to golf, a sport which you do not play and could not coach or teach.
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As a follow-up to our conversation during your mid-year conference, I consulted your personnel file. You were clearly hired as a reading consultant, as stated in your letter of hire dated July 5, 2011 (see attached). I then consulted the Portland Public Schools job description for Reading Consultant (see attached). Based on my review of your job description, in combination with your statements during our February 8th meeting during which you indicated that you cannot effectively support the implementation of Reading and Writing Workshop because you do not have the skills, I am forced to conclude there is a disconnect between what you are expected to do in your role as a reading consultant and what you claim that you have the skills to
Thank you for the detailed memo of 11/28/2016. I appreciate the opinions, and have weighed them against the report.
The United School District (USD) 475 is located in the small town of Junction City and on the military installation of Fort Riley, Kansas where I lived from June of 2004 to December of 2014. Shortly after receiving my high school diploma in 2012, I applied for the position of Paraprofessional at an Elementary school. I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to gain some experience in this field, since my original goal was to become a special education teacher. However, what I did not anticipated was that this formal organization was plagued by an array of bureaucratic shortcomings that affected the effectiveness and efficiency of the support staff.
Attached are the minutes from the January 26, 2017 meeting for your review and approval.
Then I said that, even para-professionals need a signed paper for the services they do for the students and I meant if you are the student one to one professional. Also, I said that I don’t like when teachers treat para-professionals like third class workers. I told them that by the States we are no longer call para-professional, that our title has changed to Assistant teacher, because we have college credits. Furthermore, I told them that my friend Maria told me if I am a teacher aid that made me very upset. How IEP students become ELLs, Jennifer said that a language proficiency team needs to be put together: SCS, Teacher and special education teacher, ESL teacher, Parents, and Principal or Assistant Principal if they need them. ESL and
After school, my mentor called me down to talk to one of our building union representatives. At first, I thought she wanted to discuss how she schedules café duty for the guidance department, since they have one lunch wave a day instead of an entire period every other day. Instead, the building rep had received a complaint by, as she described, “one of our more grumpy” staff members, who was concerned that I was “assigning” duties and that is the job of the administrator and not a teacher. She asked me to send out a clarifying email explaining that I was collecting data related to the teacher preferences and that the administrative team is scheduling the duties. As Diana, the union building rep and I were wrapping up our meeting one of the special education teachers popped her head in Diana’s office and said, “That was a great idea Shannon.” Perfect timing!
My purpose for this letter is to receive assistance and resolution in regards to my concerns. In our town hall meeting, you mentioned one of your objectives was to build teams in the ASC. It is important to have a cohesive team. Everyone’s role is important and plays a huge part in ensuring that patients receive quality care. We all deserve to come to work in a positive work environment free of inappropriate language (comments), rudeness, and conflict
I really sorry to inform that I won’t be attending your LTRC meeting tomorrow. The State VAL will be leading several meetings along the week to help in the restructuring process of the SETDRG as well as in the coordination of resources with the DCM partners. This coordination was planned by her according her availability. Anyway, any support you may need from me, please do not hesitate to letting me
This summer I was offered a teaching position as Student Support for Reading and ELL Services. I already have my Reading Endorsement and was hired with the requirement of getting my ELL Endorsement. I am working with K-5 struggling readers and K-8 ELL in a building populated just fewer than three hundred students. I am so grateful for this opportunity to service students individually and in small groups rather than a large classroom, as well as, reinforcing necessary reading and writing skills to reach grade level achievement.
Thank you for taking my call this afternoon. Per our conversation for the meeting with Congresswoman DeLauro, please find attached my firms informational tri-fold.
Our ability to communicate well with others is important to personal and professional success. The interpersonal communications course is planned to help us in being familiar with the system of effective, and to assess our own interpersonal ability to sharpen our critical understanding of the communication, also to improve the interpersonal skills. Mainly assess our interpersonal skills and to put in goals for improving our communications ability. To development of self-concept and identity are examined as basics for understanding personal communication. We explore our own communication behaviors and to identify areas of personal strengths and
This counselor called Jeff to see if he could follow-up with his doctor on the paperwork this counselor sent them as nothing has been received yet. Jeff stated, " I was just getting ready to call you I have some not good news." Jeff proceeded to explain that he went to Dr. Snyder last week because he was sick and they drug tested. Jeff stated he thought it was just routine and had nothing to worry about. Two days later Jeff stated he received a call from the doctor's office informing him that there was an issue with his drug test. Jeff stated that they informed him that his last two months of testing have been negative. Jeff stated he couldn't figure out why that was a bad things, but according to the medical assistant as he is taking narcotics (Tylenol # 4 and Ativan) he should have tested positive. Since he didn't the doctor can only assume that he isn't taking his medications and could possibly be selling them. Because of this the doctor dropped Jeff as a patient. Jeff stated he has tried to speak with the doctor, but the doctor and the receptionist refuse to speak with him. He explained that he is upset that they won't speak with him, especially because he had been working with the doctor to fill out the paperwork this counselor needs for his case and they were almost done.
We’ve all engaged in some sort of small talk either in the office, on campus, at a party, or other places where you find yourself in the company of others. For some of us, participating in small talk may come easily, while for others it may be quite difficult. Some individuals may find small talk to be irritating while others find it a necessity. In this paper I am going to explore what exactly defines small talk as such; the reasons why people find the need to engage in small talk; the benefits, and disadvantages of small talk; is there an ethical approach to small talk; and provide tips on how to participate in small talk—without it creating an uncomfortable atmosphere.
We attended the monthly Board Meeting. The attendees discussed the finance, grants, WIC program, animal control program and vaccination program. Through Board meeting I realized some of the responsibilities of staff who working at TCHD. After that, we met with the supervisor and discussed the points that were mentioned in the board meeting. We discussed why the animal control program is the big issue in TCHD. We found the ICD -10 Codes and we started decoded.
I am grateful to be given the opportunity to serve the school district that provided me with the educational foundation I needed to establish my career and I wish to clarify that I believe it is essential to follow established policies and protocols to maintain and promote professionalism as well as the well-being of
Below are the following edits to Dr. Salazar’s letters awaiting approval and are provided with an explanation of the reasoning of the edits.