
Example Of Conversation Paper

Decent Essays

Please allow this letter and the attached documentation to serve as a follow-up to the conversation you and I held with Ms. Hine during your mid-year evaluation conference on February 8th, 2018.

During that conversation, it seemed to me that you were not clear on what your role as a reading consultant for the Portland Public Schools consists of. You stated several times and in several different ways that you did not feel that you could serve as a reading consultant because you were not “supported by the administration.” You further stated that it was the administration’s responsibility to provide you training and support necessary for you to do your job as a reading consultant. You used an analogy in which you stated that our expectation that you serve as a reading consult was tantamount to us asking you to teach someone how to golf, a sport which you do not play and could not coach or teach. …show more content…

As a follow-up to our conversation during your mid-year conference, I consulted your personnel file. You were clearly hired as a reading consultant, as stated in your letter of hire dated July 5, 2011 (see attached). I then consulted the Portland Public Schools job description for Reading Consultant (see attached). Based on my review of your job description, in combination with your statements during our February 8th meeting during which you indicated that you cannot effectively support the implementation of Reading and Writing Workshop because you do not have the skills, I am forced to conclude there is a disconnect between what you are expected to do in your role as a reading consultant and what you claim that you have the skills to

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