
Example Of Ethnographic Essay

Decent Essays

This study will employ ethnographic research methods for data collection and it will be comprised of:

Participant Observation:
In this research, I will utilize an observation method to record behaviors, activities, teaching methods, language of instruction, community centers and home learning environments, teachers’ awareness of refugee students’ needs, parents’ educational support, the refugee students’ previous educational experiences, language barrier, and educational resources. Moreover, I will also observe and record participants’ physical environment, socio-economics and cultural milieu. The observations will be conducted in two community centers and three family houses. The families will be observed for seven to eight hours a day …show more content…

Introduction and Appreciation Meeting:

At the beginning of the data collection, a church leader will introduce the researcher with the participants. It will also provide a chance for the researcher to explain the research aims, participants’ rights, and voluntarily participation policy. At the end of the data collection, the researcher will also have a meeting with the participants, wherein the researcher will express his gratitude to the participants, with some gifts. The meeting will also give an opportunity for the researcher to share the findings with the participants.

Reflective Field Notes:

Throughout my data collections I will be jotting down my emic and etic perspectives about their educational experience. For this study, it is essential for the researcher to keep a record of reflective field notes. Since, refugee participants may have seen or experienced some violence and persecution in their home county and, currently, may have been facing challenges as well. And, sometimes, they may not be able to describe their unpleasant experiences and often pause or have tears in their eyes. Therefore, the researcher’s reflective field notes will attempt to record those instances on a

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