
Example Of Just World Bias

Decent Essays

Our study two picks up where we left off in study one. We will continue to study the belief in a just world bias. This study is to see if by adding more information about the victim will alter the degree in which they blame the victim. We will be providing either information about the victim previously being a bully, or information that is neutral about the victim. The conditions we will be focusing on would be participants being in either: the rejected and told neutral information about the victim condition, the rejected and told information about the victim previously being a bully condition, the deserved and told neutral information about the victim condition, and lastly the deserved and told information about the victim previously …show more content…

Johnson, Mullick, and Mulford (2002), created a study to try to determine if victim blaming is simply a general variable that is within people, or if victim blaming depending on a more specific variable suck as the type of victim that is being considered. They began by setting up four scales in which they can test for the type of blaming. The scales consisted of society in general, specific kind of victim, the society in which the victims live in, and the victims in general. Johnson and colleagues (2002) administered a survey to 876 students who were in large introductory sociology classes at a state university located in the Midwestern part of the United States. Their results showed that both the general and specific victim blaming were significant and were positively correlated. On the other hand, victim blaming and society blaming showed no significant correlation (Johnson, Mullick, & Mulford, 2002). This ties into our study because part of what we are trying to find out is if the victim blaming is more prevalent when our participants know more specifics about the victim compared to when only general information is known about the victim.
One of the main aspects we are investigating in our second study is to see if there are any significant differences in victim blaming when participants are either given information about the victim previously being a bully themselves, or when given neutral information

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