
Example Of Narrative Essay

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On 27Apr17 at 1439 hrs. I received a message from Sheriff Aukes inquired about my return to duty date/time & he informed me he was meeting with Nicole & Tim on 28Apr17 at 1000 hrs. as they wanted to speak with him about the circumstances surrounding the report filed by Eric.

Sheriff Aukes informed me both Nicole & Tim felt like they were blindsided in court when Eric used the report he filed at the hearing against them, & they both stated the details Eric reported to me were completely fabricated & false. On 29Apr17 at 1146 hrs. I made contact with Nicole & we spoke about the incident & details surrounding Eric’s report. Nicole informed me she wanted to respond to the report Eric filed & state that the majority of the things Eric reports were false.

Nicole stated someone had, in fact, blocked the driveway to Eric’s cabin, however, there was enough room for him to drive around the vehicle & he in fact did. Nicole stated once Eric started taking pictures numerous people included those mentioned in this report, asked him why he was taking the photos. Once he did, he then parked his vehicle with the headlights shining on the restaurant & that was when Bruce went to speak with Eric. Nicole stated Bruce & Eric never did get into any physical altercation & that they only spoke about why …show more content…

Tim stated he only watched Bruce & Eric and informed me there was no physical altercation between them at all & Tim himself did not get involved. Tim believed Eric to be harassing a lot of the Vacationaire customers by placing the no parking signs on the property they should be sharing between the business & the housing association. Tim informed me while we were on the phone that Eric had just pulled back into the area & he was watching him remove a post-hole digger from the vehicle & he believed Eric would be placing more

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