
Example Of Survival Research Paper

Decent Essays

“Some survive because they are destined to, but most survive because they are determined to”. Survival; Seems like an obvious statement obliged to specified people Right? Wrong. Survival is not for those who are the strongest or the most intelligent; survival is for those who desire to be free like the protagonists in Refuge by Jackie French. The characters from the novel Refuge carry this aspiration to live, this aspiration to know at the end they will survive. The concept of survival is carried and delineated throughout the novel in each chapter that we progress through. The entire novel revolves around the idea of determination in surviving the worst. Each character came to the portrayed “beach” in Refuge for not only peace and hope but to survive and to reach their desired destination. Survival has played an important role in Refuge so that if it was supposedly discounted from the plot, the novel would have no purpose and morality in it. The notion of survival is in fact a justification not a preconception. It is an inevitable proclamation that Survival is what Jackie French decided to possess as the key idea or element. Can you guarantee that Survival does not take the slightest proportion of the novel? Do you have enough evidence to state to me that Survival is not why the characters had …show more content…

The strength to go back to our lives and to survive.” (Chp.8 Page 70) French deliberately exaggerates and recaps the word “Strength” using repetition to justify the significance of what the beach provides these traumatized characters. The audience can understand how the concept of survival is necessary for the storyline. The quotation enables us to personally experience how determined they are to withstand and tolerate throughout the hardships and

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