
Examples Of Atticus's Parenting Styles In To Kill A Mockingbird '

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Some people think that Atticus’s parenting style is great and very laid back, while others think it might be a little bit lax. I am somewhere in between. I do agree that his parenting style is very laid back, which would be very nice in certain situations. I also think however, that he could be a little more strict with his parenting. Atticus is a very laid back parent which I think is really cool. My parents are very strict on what I can and can’t do. So Atticus’s parenting style looks like a very good way of parenting. I like how he lets his children learn from their mistakes on their own, even though he knows what they’ve done and could’ve easily punished them. He doesn’t make it awkward for them to have to own up to their mistakes, he doesn’t even bring it up unless it is something very serious that needs to be dealt with right away. For example, when Jem tore up Mrs. Dubose’s flower bed, Atticus punished him by making him read to her every day for almost two months. With my family it’s the opposite. If …show more content…

For example, he lets his children do whatever they want to do, whether it be dangerous or not. As a parent I would be very concerned with the safety of my child. He also doesn't monitor his children as much as he probably should. If he lets his children get away with everything that they do, eventually they will grow up causing a lot of trouble. There are sometimes when Atticus is strict on Jem and Scout, but I don’t think he is strict enough. For example when he found out that they were the ones who snuck into the Radley yard he did nothing about it. The children could’ve gotten themselves killed by entering that yard and Atticus acted like it was no big deal, almost as if he could care less what happened to his children. If it were my children I would definitely punish them for not only intruding into the Radley yard, but almost getting shot in the

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