
Examples Of Attribution Theory

Decent Essays

The attribution theory (Weiner 1972) is formed by Bernard Weiner . Many theories have been formed to try and explain why and how people succeed and others fail in educational areas of life. In this essay we will attempt to understand the attribution theory in more details, attempt to understand these in more details and apply them to the case study presented. Last semester, a friend Angela failed all her first year courses. While I have privately held my views for her failure, I have not confirmed these reasons with her or her lectures. By giving examples I will test my reasons by applying the attribution theory to explain why she might have failed. Also, I will give examples of social judgements, apply theories of attitude to try understanding some of the reasons why Amanda might have failed. …show more content…

According to the attribution theory, high achievers will choose to approach work rather than avoid tasks related to succeeding as their belief is that success is due to high ability and effort and because of that they approach tasks confidently.
Attribution theory can be defined as the process of inferring the causes of behaviors and events. When things happen people are more likely to blame external forces for the event than their own personal characteristics. This is referred to as the Actor – Observation bias. This means that a student is more likely to blame failing a test paper to a bad lecturer, not being assisted in understanding the work properly or a bad school system rather than saying they did not prepare well for

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