
Examples Of Benjamin Franklin's Aphorisms

Decent Essays

Franklin’s Aphorisms Benjamin Franklin, a very famous man, on the one hundred dollar bill, one of the presidents of our United States of America. This man was not only famous for what he was, but he was also famous for some of the things that he said. These logical statements that Franklin came up with are called aphorisms. An aphorism, in definition, is a saying that expresses a general truth, principle, or observation. These are spoken in a brief and memorable form. Although Franklin has many famous aphorisms, there are a few that I want to talk about. My first aphorism is “Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead.” The next saying that I want to talk about, is “One today is worth two tomorrows.” Finally, the last famous statement …show more content…

Time does it’s thing. Let’s say we have our ship, and this ship is making its way across the ocean and out of nowhere, a tiny leak appears. Gradually, water started to fill up the “hold” of the ship. Okay, well you may say that's that, but it’s okay, we are almost across the ocean. Pay no attention to this tiny leak, let’s get to our destination. Compare this to real life, where you are on a mission to get to your success state. Becoming the fastest runner in the world. Working at your success, a small problem occurs. You twisted your ankle. NO! Don’t worry about fixing the small little baby problem, you need to keep going. So you continue on your way to success. Oh no, the boat has now began getting its “forecastle” flooded from the same leak. All the treasure is ruined and lost, but we're almost at our destination so let’s keep going. Your journey to becoming the fastest is going great, as it seems. But all of the sudden, that little ankle twist problem you had before has come back, and it’s even worse. You may have fractured something. But no, let’s keep going. Do you see what is going on here? Franklin is trying to make us realize that we have to focus on the little things in life too, because these little things will come back and bite you. Gradually the little “leak” will get worse and worse. The ship sank before it got across the ocean. And your journey was unable to be completed, because of severe ankle

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