
Examples Of Complaint Letter About Your Boss

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How to Write a Complaint Letter about Your Boss

Though, one might be hoping to avoid this situation, there is no denying this can happen to anyone, and hence you should know how to write a complaint letter about your boss. Complaint letter about your boss is a touchy issue and has to be tackled carefully. Only when the situation tends to get out of control, does one chose to write a complaint letter.
Having put in a lot of hard work, it can be hurtful if you are not appreciated for your efforts. This can result in a very negative working environment, which is not good for anybody. Tensions with your boos can also lead to office politics which is not good for anyone. Therefore, this letter is important as it will help sort out the issue with the superiors in a …show more content…

I have been a faithful employee in this company for the past four years. My time at the company has been good one so far, but now a problem has crept up, which threatens to disrupt my otherwise peaceful time at the company. This letter is regarding the behavior of my immediate head, Mr. Spencer Gibson. Mr. Gibson is the head at the Marketing Department from the last two months, and for some reason of his own, he has singled me out to harass.
Ever since, he was transferred from another department to head the marketing division, he has managed to find some fault with me, even if there are none. I am constantly accused of not completing my daily work despite me meeting all my daily targets. Many times I have been kept out of team meetings. The formats for the reports are changed, and Mr. Gibson conveniently forgets to inform me about it, so that he has another reason to point fingers at me. On the 23rd of July, Mr. Gibson denied me a leave of two days, despite knowing that my wife was admitted in the hospital. I did not face any such problems from my previous Head of Department, Mr. Kyle Edwards, who got promoted to another department. You can even contact Mr. Edwards to check on my

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