
Letter Of The Board Of Directors Of Taylor International Academy

Decent Essays

Please accept this letter as my response to your letter of September 23, 2015 as well as my formal demand to retract the defamatory statements that were made in your letter. The Board of Directors of Taylor International Academy (hereinafter the “Academy”) established a reauthorization committee prior to the expiration of our charter agreement with Central Michigan University. Tom West and I served on the committee, and after Tom West’s resignation, Dr. Renita Clark served on the committee with me. On or about October 28, 2014, Barbara Zeile of Central Michigan University sent the Academy a letter indicating that “Academy’s academic performance over the course of the initial five-year Contract has remained persistently and unacceptably low.” Any objective board member that reviewed the data with respect to the Academy’s academic performance would agree with Central Michigan University’s assessment. Accordingly, the Academy was tasked with providing Central Michigan University with a plan as to how the academic performance of the school would be improved. My “agenda” was not one of “power”, but rather to create a plan that would improve the academic performance of the school as the academic success of the students of the Academy has always been my top priority. Without such a plan, the Academy risked not having its charter renewed and/or having the charter renewed on less favorable terms to the Academy. As part of the Academy’s reauthorization process, the Academy’s

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