
Examples Of Constructive Nature Of Memory

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The constructive nature of memory holds that we use a variety of information such as perceptions, beliefs and attitude to fill in gaps, and that the accuracy of our memory may be altered.
In this part, we will conclude what is constructive nature of memory and some of the examples of how it works.
I. What is the Constructive Nature of Memory
Memory is never a literal recount of past experiences. Rather, it is dependent on the constructive processes present at the time of encoding that are subject to potential errors and distortions. Essentially, the constructive memory process functions by encoding the patterns of physical characteristics that are perceived by the individual, as well as the interpretive conceptual and …show more content…

The Examples on how the Constructive Nature of Memory works
A study by Addis et al in which participants were scanned while they were either remembering a past experience or imagining an event that might occur in the future. Addis et al divided each of these tasks into two phases. In the initial construction phase, participants generated either a remembered or an imagined event in response to a cue word (example, “dress”) and made a button-press when they had an event in mind, which typically required about 7 or 8 seconds. In the immediately following elaboration phase, participants generated as much detail as possible about the remembered or imagined event.

The most striking finding was that brain activity was highly similar during remembering the past and imagining the future. This overlap was most apparent during the elaboration phase, when participants focused on generating details about the remembered or imagined event. A core network of brain regions that had previously been implicated in the retrieval of episodic memories, and has also been linked to a variety of internally driven cognitive processes showed common activation during both remembering and

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