
Examples Of Difficult Decisions In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Night Essay In life you are forced with many difficult decisions but some are life and death. In Elie Wiesel’s true story called “Night,” Elie is forced with many decisions he has to make. As a teenager in 1944 Elie and his family were taken from there home to Auschwitz, a concentration camp. There family was split, Elie's mom and three sisters were sent to Birkenau, the death camp and the men were sent to Auschwitz the concentration camp. Ellie was losing faith in God after seeing the sight of infants being thrown into a burning pit. Elie and his father had to lie to survive and stay healthy in a place with hardly no food or water to continue to live. Ultimately Ellie and his father need to come together and overcome the difficult decisions …show more content…

Elie had to decide if he was going to tell Dr. Mengel (the ss officer) if he was a student or a farner. The people would either be sent to the left or the right. Nobody knew which one led where yet but Elie needed to be with his father. He lied to Dr. Mengel and told him that he was a farmer and Ellie was sent to the left where his father was waiting for him. “Were he to have gone to the right, I would have run after him”. If he had gone to the right it was heard that they were going to the crematoria. Since Elie lied he was with his father and continued to move forward …show more content…

Each day his father was getting weaker and weaker. Elie brought his father to the doctor but he said there was nothing he could do to save his father. Elie was furious and refused to give up when he so easily could have left his father to die. He gave his father some of his food rations but all he wanted was water. Then one day when Elie left to get rations he returned to his father being beat by other cell mates. “The following day, he (Ellie's father) complained that they had taken his ration of bread.” Each week went by like this, until a Blockalteste came and asked if this was his father. He responded yes and the man said there was nothing anybody could do for him. Two days later Ellie woke up to his father’s cot replaced with someone else. Ellie’s father died January 28,

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