
Examples Of Ethical Issues In Health And Social Care

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Running a business in multicultural Ireland requires a company to address the issues that diversity and multiculturalism can bring. A company like Highfield Healthcare would have to look closely at best practices in the area of cultural diversity and multiculturalism. Highfield would have to look at how employee’s best work with persons of different cultural and ethnic background. A person’s culture affects decisions concerning end of life care, diet, treatment and recreational activities. These issues will change how Highfield Healthcare runs their business. Below are some examples.
Language Barrier: Communication can be difficult if English is not the resident’s first language. Highfield Healthcare should look at employing bilingual staff to overcome this problem.
Food: The food offered may not be what the resident is accustomed to, or prepared in the correct manner. It …show more content…

For the most part the residents are suffering from dementia/psychiatric issues, which affects the resident autonomy. Autonomy is “The right of an informed patient to choose to accept or refuse therapy” (Medical Dictionary, © 2009 Farlex and Partners). In the Mental Health Capacity Bill 2008 there is a “presumption of capacity “and a focus on whether a person can understand the consequences of a decision. It can be hard to judge if a person with dementia has the capacity to fully understand the consequences of a decision.
Dignity and privacy are rights that can be forgotten by staff when working in a residential facility like Highfield. They must ensure that the resident’s privacy and dignity are respected at all times. Areas where this is important are dressing and undressing, intimate care, entering private room and examinations.
Confidentiality is of utmost importance regarding all areas of care. Confidentiality for the residents includes their information, their finances and care

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