
Examples Of Father Son Relationship In Night By Elie Wiesel

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The Holocaust came in 1933, splitting Jewish families apart and causing the relationship among the individuals who remained together to change. During the novel, Eliezer and his father experience many different changes in the relationship. Three of these included the average relationship a father and son had, trying to convince one another that they would be perfectly fine, and eventually telling each other the reality of what was going to happen to stop disappointing not only themselves, but each other as well. Eliezer and his father, through the horrific events of the Holocaust, have provided an insight on how a relationship was tested but remained strong as they watched others’ fall apart. Before the Jewish community and families were ripped apart, Eliezer and his father had a fairly average relationship. Though he honored his father majority of the time, he still dishonored him when he was told he was too young to study Kabbalah, and obtained Moishe the Beadle to help him study anyway. “I succeeded on my own in finding a master for myself in the person of Moishe the Beadle” (Wiesel 4). Eliezer's decision to not listen to his father but to what he wants is an outstanding example of the average father-son relationship. When Eliezer and his father are put into a concentration camp, they’re still father and son; however, their relationship …show more content…

Eliezer and his father certainly knew nothing good was going to come of their situation and wanted to protect each other from that reality out of the love they had. “All the inmates agreed: camp Buna is a very good camp” (Wiesel 47). This is what all inmates including Eliezer and his father told one another to protect each other from losing their sanity due to the tremendous fear they were experiencing. Both clearly understood what was to eventually happen to them, and over time became too exhausted of being lied

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