
Examples Of Fear In Macbeth

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Living in Fear

Foretold by the witches he is to be king, Macbeth is triggered by Lady Macbeth’s derisive comment: When you durst do it, then you were a man (1 vii 54). Using her sly persuasion Lady Macbeth forces her husband into doing the deed, and suggests that only once he’s completed the deed will he be a real man. Traumatised by killing King Duncan, he becomes extremely anxious about the near future and is shaken by the thought of committing the unspeakable act, betraying the belief of the divine right of kings. Through committing the act of immorality Macbeth attains the role of King further indulging in the pleasures he ultimately desires. After employing assassins to kill Banquo, in the hope this will make his position more secure, …show more content…

The snake is the surrounding threat and the fact that they have not killed but only tampered with it will lead to it seeking justice. He continues: She'll close and be herself, whilst our poor malice Remains in danger of her former tooth. (3 ii 16-17)
Here Macbeth refers to how the threat will slowly turn to actions whilst there is nothing they can do because what’s done is done (3 ii 14). Constantly placed in danger as people are aware of the deed committed he knows that not only his crown but also his life could be taken from him.

Macbeth and his wife will no longer live happily, content and free. From now on everything is disjointed and both the worlds suffer (3 ii 18). Both the living and the dead have been disrupted by the good of King Duncan and evil of Macbeth. With disrupted sense of right and wrong Macbeth will eat [his] meal in fear and sleep in the affliction of these terrible dreams (3 ii 20-21). He will remain in fear of threat and suffer from nightmares every single night; Macbeth hath murdered sleep (2 ii

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