
Examples Of Feminism In The Ballad Of The Sad Cafe

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Everything changes when Marvin Macy the husband of Miss. Amelia from a whopping ten day marriage wanders back after a stint in the penitentiary down in Atlanta and he is nasty. His marriage to Miss. Amelia lasts only ten days, mainly because having married only to gain companionship she refuses to consummate the marriage. Disgusted by his attempts to seduce her, Miss. Amelia puts him out of the house. Macy leaves town vowing revenge and quickly returns to his old ways, robbing gas stations and supermarkets and becoming a suspect in a murder. He is eventually arrested and sentenced to serve time in a penitentiary near Atlanta. It is a tale that shows great depths of human emotion packed into a short into the deep south back in the day when a …show more content…

Mary Hale no other woman in the town is mentioned by name in The Ballad of the Sad Café, much less given an active, independent role in the novel. This represents an exacting creative decision on McCullers’ part in showing that Miss. Amelia receives respect because of her masculine traits. McCullers criticizes the gender divide in the south. In suggests that woman should have agency no matter how they dress or conduct themselves. McCullers creates a gender balancing act in The Ballad of the Sad Café and lets Miss. Amelia display feminism in crucial …show more content…

The strange fairy tale elements of the story lend the work an epic quality. As Mary A. Gervin noted that McCullers admitted that the story was written to “work out the conflicting emotions she underwent in the twisted trinity between her German friend Annemarie her husband Reeves and herself. Through the perverse triangle relationship that evolves in the novel, McCullers illustrates how archetypal love tends toward evil and the negation of communal love. The bond that is developed between the dwarf Lymon and the giantess Amelia is shattered when Lymon’s affection is transferred to Macy. The two men destroy Amelia’s coffee house and abandon her leaving her physically and spiritually broken.” (CLC,

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