
Examples Of Gatsby Being Great

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Being great is something that a lot of people have different perspectives on. Perhaps to some people a person who is great is someone who cares about the wellbeing of others and always has hope. There are many different key points in the book The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald that make Jay Gatsby great. Gatsby is a poor man who had nothing to offer to Daisy, this woman that he had fell in love with. Ever since Gatsby has been trying to work his way up to win Daisy back by doing everything in his power to be wealthy. Gatsby is deserving of the title “Great” because of his optimism and ambitions to grow in his wealth.
In The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby, a man with a poor family background, worked his way up to become wealthy. Ever since he was a young boy he wanted to grow up to be someone who was rich, he explained, “It only took me just three years to earn the money that bought it” (Fitzgerald 90). It took three years for Gatsby to come up with the money to buy his huge mansion lathered with expensive taste. He came …show more content…

He wanted daisy back so they can live a delightful life together. So when Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom met up Gatsby’s hope was that Daisy and him were going to leaving together as a couple. But when they actually discussed the fact of her leaving him she confessed to Gatsby, “[she] did love tom once--but i loved you too” (Fitzgerald 132). After Tom heard this he knew that Daisy was on his side and not Gatsby’s. Since Gatsby was oblivious to Daisy’s decision, he continued to protect her from any harm that he could prevent. After myrtle's untimely demise, Gatsby decides “ to wait [there] and see if he tries to bother her about that unpleasantness this afternoon” (Fitzgerald 144). Therefore even tho Daisy did not make his dream come true, he still continued to love and care for her. He choose to see the good in Daisy and trusted that she would somehow run away with him and leave

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