
Examples Of Goody Proctor's Letter To Mr. Hale

Satisfactory Essays

I am writing this letter in order to persuade you to believe me that I am not a witch but a good Christian women with the heart of an angel. Mr. Hale I can assure you that the poppet was not made by my hands. I can tell you that Abigail has been out to ruin my good name ever since she met my dear husband. I can assure you as well that I am an innocent woman who was framed. First I will begin by telling you exactly what happen with the poppet. I was at home with my husband and marry comes along saying she made me a gift “I made you a gift for you today, Goody Proctor” (Miller 1165) and she handed me the poppet. As you must know Mr. Hale it is rude to not accept gifts in our community. That’s how the poppet came to be in my house Mr. Hale. I

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