
Examples Of Greed

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5.6 Greed, Envy and Jealousy

We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful. – Warren Buffett (1930 –) U.S. investor, businessman, and philanthropist

Greed is inherent in human nature. It is, like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess. It is an excessive desire to acquire, possess or pursuit of more – especially money, power, food, sex etc. – than one needs or deserves. A greedy man is indeed a poor man, because he is always in want. He and a pauper are practically one and the same. Give him a dime he'll ask for a dollar. He is mentally ill and spiritually impoverished. And the irony is that he would often be sorry if his wishes come true and his desires are gratified. The simple reason …show more content…

Greed can be healthy as well. You can be greedy and still feel good about yourself and others. However, greed, even being one of the primordial forces of human evolution, is generally considered as a vice and belongs to one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism. Greed as well as envy was identified at the time of passing of Ten Commandments. Among such commandments (theft, adultery, don’t commit murder) were two commandments, that one should not covet his neighbor’s belongings and his wife implying that stealing and illegal sex, even thinking about them, have its root in greed, and, therefore, is one of the cardinal sins. List of cardinal sins (a.k.a. capital vices, seven deadly sins) in the order: wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and …show more content…

How many of us, truly speaking, would want a colleague to hit the jackpot, or a lottery? Many would secretly wish, Oh God! Please, see that he does not get it. How many would be sincere in congratulating the neighbor’s son who has done better in the school than their own children? Here is one confession. When you ask a simple man a very simple question how much happy he feels about life, the answer is: “I am happy as I am, no problem; but as soon as my neighbor hits lottery, I feel unhappy.” That explains human

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