
Examples Of Happiness In Brave New World

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People will always tell you that you should do what makes you happy, and this is why our minds are clouded with the idea that happiness is the main purpose of life. However, we rarely ask ourselves if there can be happiness without love, arts, or dreams. In Brave New World, a novel written by Aldous Huxley, we are faced with this question. The book deals with an allegedly perfect society in which it's main character, John, did not belong. This outcast was constantly reflecting upon how society was not perfect at all. John criticized the fact that people were happy even without love, arts, or dreams. In the new order, there was a mistaken concept of happiness, a shaped reason in people's minds, and a suppression of love in order of maintaining …show more content…

This can be seen throughout the novel with the existence of certain habits and tools that people used as mechanisms that would bring them joy, relief, or pleasure in any occasion. Furthermore, there was not room for feelings such as pain, remorse, or guilt. The best example for this is soma, and it can be seen when Bernard is asking Lenina if she never thought about other ways of happiness. To that, she answered, “why you don't take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You'd forget all about them. And instead of feeling miserable, you'd be jolly. So jolly" (Huxley, 2006, p. 92). In fact, soma is similar to many things that we consume nowadays to inhibit pain, such as alcohol, antidepressants, and drugs. These substances all lead to a state of stability that is necessary for happiness. However, we are not aware that this happiness will never fulfill us, and that it blinds us and makes us follow every regime society wants to impose on us as long as our emotional stability is not endangered. if passion were on the picture, it would be different, for passion implies a presence of extreme emotions that tend to break the comfort that we

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