
Examples Of Holden's Phony

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Who is Really the Phony? Throughout the novel, The Catcher in the Rye, by J. D. Salinger the main character, Holden, often calls out other characters as being phonies. However, Holden may be the biggest phony of them all. He is a phony because he always lies, calls out others for being phonies and, what he says is never what he thinks. Holden is a phony because he lies all the time, to everyone. If he was not a phony he would be more honest and always tell the truth. Holden even admits to lying “I’m the most terrific liar you ever saw in your life. It’s awful” (Pg 16) Holden is self-aware of him lying, he should know he is a phony. For example, he lies on page 57 to Ernest’s mother. “Then I really started chucking the old crap around. ‘Did …show more content…

For example, on page 3 he says “She was a pretty nice girl, though. I sat next to her once in the bus from Agerstown and we sort of struck up a conversation. I liked her she had a really big nose and her nails were all bitten down and bleeding-looking and she had those damn falsies that point all over the place, but you felt sorry for her. What I liked about her, she didn't give you the horse manure about what a great guy her father was. She probably knew what a phony slob he was.” This quote shows that Holden would make assumptions about people and treat them differently based on that. Which shows that he is a phony because he puts on different fronts for different people just because he thinks they are phonies. Holden also says “Old Lillian Simmons said. Strictly a phony.” (Pg. 88) During this part of the novel, Holden shows that he doesn't wish to talk to Lillian because he thinks she's a phony. With him doing this it shows once again that he treats people differently if he thinks they're phonies even though he's really the phony because it just puts on different fronts for different people. Not only that, but he does not say what comes to

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