
Examples Of Id, Ego, And Superego In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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According to modern psychologists, Sigmund Freud is considered the father of modern psychology; Freud’s idea of the three zones of the psychic apparatus play a heavy influence in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The three zones are Id, Ego, and Superego. The Id is natural instincts, Ego is the influence of the Id caused by society, and the Superego is acting based off of adopted morals taught to you. The Monster’s personality traits in Frankenstein are examples of Freud's idea of Id, Ego, and Superego. Throughout the novel, each trait is developed with the Id being first ; and alternating back and forth between all of them on which one becomes the dominant trait.
When the Monster is first created, he acts on natural instincts to keep himself alive. The Monster must figure out life on his own because he does not have a parental figure to teach him right from wrong. The Id instincts take over the Monster’s actions “I ate some berries...I slaked my thirst at the brook” (Shelley 87). He is predominantly motivated by his self-centered id drives due to his natural instincts of survival. The Monster has no idea that some of his actions are believed to be immoral by society because his libidinous id is telling him what to do to survive such as “to steal a part of their store in my own consumption” (94). Through his selfish actions the Monster realized that his actions had repercussions “I found that in doing this I inflicted pain on the cottagers” (94) causing them to be hungry and

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