
Examples Of Insanity In Hamlet

Satisfactory Essays

Seth Tuma
Mrs. Antoine
2ns Period
28 March 2015
Hamlet’s Just Manipulative
In the play Hamlet, Hamlet occasionally switches between the fields of sanity and insanity. In which he is able to manipulate the situation by determining if it is best he puts on an "antic disposition" (I.v.192). Or if the situation calls for sanity, Hamlet returns back to being logical. This act allows Hamlet to achieve his short-term goals, but his dual personality slows down his long term goal of seeking vengeance for his father’s death. To begin Hamlet opens to the realm of insanity to achieve an overwhelming advantage, by changing insanity into the form of words and actions. Furthermore, Hamlet only acts insane, or mad towards his enemies or his enemy's allies. Examples of this occur when Hamlet attacks Ophelia, who has friended herself with Claudius, when he asks Ophelia, "are you honest" (III.i.113), "are you fair" (III.i.115). He knows she is dishonest with him and that …show more content…

When Hamlet sees the ghost of his father he listens to his words diligently as he is "bound to hear" (I.v.11) what he has to say. This is very different compared to his behavior when he acts mad because very focused when speaking and listening to the ghost and others. While Hamlet meets his father's ghost, he gives his full attention, and while Hamlet speaks with Horatio about his father's ghost, he listens and speaks with sanity. Hamlet's short-term goal is to use sanity when necessary and control the environment he is in at all times. But while he’s alone, his thoughts are very deep. He questions whether it is “nobler in the mind” (III.I.65) to be miserable or if he should “end them.” (III.i.68) Hamlet uses more logic than someone that is insane would use, and because of this sanity, Hamlet is able to accomplish his short-term goal of

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