
Examples Of Ironies In Romeo And Juliet

Satisfactory Essays

There are three different ironies in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, dramatic irony,verbal irony and Situational irony. Dramatic irony a.k.a tragic irony, is inherited in speeches that the audience can grasp but not the characters in the play. An example of this in Romeo and Juliet is act 3 scene 5, when lady capulet thinks that Juliet is crying over, her cousin tybalt but she is crying over Romeo. Verbal irony is in which a person says something but it means another thing or when someone brings a meaning but it’s opposite to the actual meaning. An example of a verbal irony is the Prologue, “Two households, both alike in dignity”, we believe that both families are dignified but in reality they are violently competitive. Lastly, Situational

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