
Examples Of Legalistic Perspective

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The ethical perspective that is best reflected in my work is legalistic perspective. I currently work as a Marcom for a credit card bank, also known as Marketing Communications. It embodies the whole process: From client relations (internal departments we support), PR and marketing strategies, to the creative side of promotional literature, advertising and artwork.
All communication materials we send out through the different channels – Direct mail, Web, Email, Advertising etc. are highly affected by the regulations. The legal and compliance team audits all the communication materials before they are made public. Banks are governed by quite a number of regulatory bodies who would state laws regulative certain activities. Banks would first make sure they adhere to these laws to determine what’s ethical and what non ethical is. What is not specified as illegal is not necessarily view as illegal. As stated in the readings, …show more content…

Johannesen (94), Burton Leiser’s beliefs, Harold Williams reminder to his professional advertising colleagues and the problems with legalistic perspectives really stood out to me. According to Burton Leiser, “the law does not always conform with standards of moral right, advertisers who are concerned with doing what is right need not set the limits of their conduct at the bounds set by the law”
Harold Williams states, “What is legal and what is ethical are not synonymous, and neither are what is legal and what is honest. We tend to resort to legality often as our guideline. This is in effect what happens when we turn to lawyers for confirmation that a course of action is an appropriate one. We must recognize that we are getting a legal opinion but not necessarily an ethical or moral one.”
As a bank we follow our code of ethics which helps to establish expectations for character. It includes ideal goals to be striven for and minimum conditions to be met to be considered ethical. This is separate from the legal

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