
Examples Of Love In Romeo And Juliet

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Most people think that true romantic love is only found in Disney movies or in fairytales. In the play, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, real romantic love is shown when two characters with feuding families fall in love. The readers find out that Romeo and Juliet have to make sacrifices for each other to keep their love a secret. In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare shows that romantic love can be found but not at first sight, and that people in love will do anything for each other. The first example of romantic love is when Romeo and Juliet first meet and instantly think they’re in love. Romeo and Juliet fall in love at the ball for Juliet. Romeo originally goes to the ball to see the one he loves, Rosaline but ends up falling in with Juliet. We find this out when he says, “For I ne’er saw true beauty until this night,” (Shakespeare 1.5.60). This shows how Romeo says he never saw beauty until he met Juliet, but he originally went to see how beautiful Rosaline was on this night. Another example of this would be when Romeo and Juliet thought they fell in love at first sight was when, Romeo and Juliet decide they’ll do anything to be with each other and took things way too fast. They kissed when they first met, got married right away and Romeo ends …show more content…

Romeo is banished from Verona after killing Tybalt, Romeo decides he would rather be dead then far away from Juliet. He shows this when he says, “Ha, banishment? Be merciful, say ‘death’” (Shakespeare 3.3.14). Another example is when Romeo saw Juliet ‘dead’ he decided to kill himself to be with her in heaven. Right before Romeo kills himself he says, “Here’s to my love o true apothecary, Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die,” (Shakespeare 3.3.119-120). Romeo and Juliet would do anything for each other even die for each other which is another way of romantic love being

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