Native American Perceptions A perception is a way of regarding something. Many Native Americans are perceived as savages and cruel rebels. After reading accounts of Spanish explorers and Native Americans, my perception of natives concludes to the idea that natives were treated wrong, reacted out of fear, and should not be referred to as savages. During the story “From the Iroquois Constitution,” Native Americans created a League of Six Nations. The constitution states, “I plant the Tree of Great Peace.”(24) Goals such as creating peace among nations and combining to be one are supposed to be achieved by the rules the natives set in place in the constitution. I feel that the Native Americans seek peace as an important contributor to their way of life. I feel this way due to the fact that they set laws to keep peace. Many oppose and have viewpoints such as Native Americans were not peace seekers, they refused to share, and were not gentle people. My rebuttal stands after reading their constitution; Native Americans were gentle peace seekers. …show more content…
After reading “A Journey Through Texas,” I feel that Native Americans reacted out of fear. Some conspiracies say natives rebelled and killed their captors. During the story, Native Americans did everything asked. De Vaca says, after talking to a native, “They entreated us not to be angry any longer, because, even if it was their death, they would take us where we chose.”(30) Opposing mindsets of my opinion believe that natives have brutal mindsets, are cruel rebels, and that hatred is their way of life. De Vaca recounts, “and they also begged us to ask heaven for rain.”(31) The natives asking for prayer clearly shows they have a spiritual mindset. I hold to my opinion that Native Americans are peaceful and would only have killed out of fear of what might happen to their
With the settlement of the American West, I discern that it was not nice to force Native Americans off their land onto reservations. There was a treaty given to the Sioux for the rights to the Black Hills until gold was discovered in the area. The white miners flocked to the territory to get the gold. I don’t think it was right that with the treaty the U.S. government still ordered the Native Americans back to their reservations. With the conflict that occurred between the U.S. Government and the Native American Indian in Battle of the Little Bighorn, also called Custer’s Last Stand, marked a significant victory for the Native Americans and unfavorable for U.S. Army’s defeat. The Native Americans would have to remain in government-controlled reservations.
Native American’s greeted the new colonists in a friendly, welcoming manner from the start. The new colonists considered this a sign of weakness, stating how easy it would be to dominate the native people. When Columbus arrived, there were 12-15 million Native Americans in the Americas, in 1890 there was under 250,000, with 98% of the population gone. With the belief in Manifest Destiny, the colonists forced the Native American’s off their own land, farther and farther from where they originated from, and eventually onto reservations, removing them from their way of life and their culture. During the transition from their homeland to reservations, many of the Native American’s died due to disease, cold, hunger, and the hardships of travel. Along with the annexation, the colonists demanded assimilation.
Europeans tore through America in the 1700s and destroyed the lives of Native Americans, and yet their culture remained principled with a high level of respect and honor. This is shown in a meeting that was held by the six nations of the Iroquois, where Chief Red Jacket gave a speech on the Native Americans view on missionary stations that the Europeans wanted to set up. Red Jacket explained their past with the first settlers, “We gave them corn and meat; they gave us poison in return” (1). These first Europeans set the tone for how these new colonist treated the natives. They took what they wanted and left a trail of death and destruction in their path. However, the natives acted in return with upstanding respect and treated these missionaries
At first, it came as a surprise to me that there are still many tribes who are trying to become federally recognized and colonize land again just like before to continue their culture and identity. By now, I would had imagined that the Native Americans are at peace and can continue their traditions. However, I have come to discover that Natives Americans are still fighting for social justice when they have existed here way before Christopher Columbus discovered their land and called them, Indians. The impact that these social justice issues has on me is that the issues in which Native Americans face cannot be entirely solved. It is an impossible action to fix.
Every colonist that came to America had their own perceptions of its inhabitants. The majority of these people believed the Native Americans were savages because their culture differed from the colonists. To the colonists, everything needed to be proper. The way they dressed, whether or not they went to church, or how they raised their children needed to be up to code. If not, their fellow colonists looked differently at them. The natives were entirely different. Their goal was simply to survive, and they were conducting survival the best way they knew how to. The differences between the two cultures led to many severe problems. Mary Rowlandson and Benjamin Franklin had two entirely different views of the Native Americans, based upon their encounters with them.
When the colonists came to America, they classified the Native Americans as complete brutal savages. But was that a correct assumption? The Native Americans lived a life that was a complete opposite from the way that the Europeans were accustomed to. The Native Americans believed that the land was shared by everyone and not one person could own it. The Native Americans also had a polytheistic religion which completely went against the beliefs of the colonists. The colonists viewed the Native Americans as savages and barbarians because their ways of living were different.
Typically American culture views the United States actions towards Native Americans as justified for many reasons. There are three major sociological perspectives, and all of them can be applied to the Native American conflict one way or another. The first of these perspectives is the functionalist perspective, and it’s simple when you just think about it from the outside. However, as go deeper realize that it’s not as
Nothing is more fundamental yet so important to the freedoms we enjoy as Americans as the United States Constitution, which guarantee our right to do and say as we please so long as it does no harm to anyone. The Iroquois Nation preamble is placed on perfect peace for the welfare of the people. Their focus was fighting for the liberty of the people. Among the Indian nations whose ancient seats were within the limits of our republic, the Iroquois have long continued to occupy the conspicuous position. Nations they now set forth upon the canvas of the Indian history prominent as for the wisdom of their civil institution of the federations. Only the Iroquois had a system that seemed to meet most of the demands espoused by the
Many people believe that the Native American people were not peaceful because of all the fighting that was done but that is incorrect. Native Americans were and still are a very peacefull people. There are many different tactics they used to maintain the peace, a few of those are: the diné peacemaking method, the wise elders, and their peace pipe. The Native Americans have many different ways of keeping the peace and the peace pipe is more of a symbol then a method.
Another issue is how Native Americans internalize the stereotypes that are forced upon them. In a study conducted by Fryberg, Markus, Oyserman, and Stone (2008), they found three common stereotypes of Native Americans in mass media: Spiritual people who are in tune with nature, warriors, or people with stereotypically bad outcomes, such as alcoholism. It is important to note that not all of these stereotypes are negative, and in fact a few of them are positive. What Fryberg et al. (2008) found, however, was that regardless if the stereotype was seen as positive or negative, all three of those variations caused harm in the form of “students’ feelings of personal and community worth, and achievement-related possible selves” (p. 216). It did
The Native Americans have come across long journey of difficult times since the occupation of their land by European settlers. There are still two sides of a coin- a world of civilization and a world of underdeveloped society in this one country- USA. The paradox is that the constitution which seems to be a model of democracy to many nations of the world lacks a lot for not acting accordingly. Those organized and unorganized struggles of Native Americans were challenged by the heavily armed white majority settlers. This history is among the worst American experience because of the massacre and the violation against human right. In order to be heard, they protest, occupy land, and write books. The Native Americans have raised several
Native Americans were the first civilization in America this means that they do not know how things were made yet. That caused them to tell stories called myths about how the Earth came to be and how mountains were made. Myths got passed down from generation to generation and often got changed as the word passes on. These myths are still around and being told today but just as historical background to study them. Native American myths have common traits such as characters, morals, and the pattern of events; imply that Native Americans value land and life.
“My people are few. They resemble the scattering trees of a storm-swept plain...There was a time when our people covered the land as the waves of a wind-ruffled sea cover its shell-paved floor, but that time long since passed away with the greatness of tribes that are now but a mournful memory.,” Chief Seattle Speech of 1854. The culture of the Native American people has been deteriorating ever since the Europeans arrived in the Americas. The impactful and immense loss of lifestyle that they faced is one that can never be recovered, what the United States has given them are generations of trauma and blatant suffering. However, the U.S. did not stop there, a multitude of cultures have been broken to help keep America pure. For instance, one of the most significant cultures that have been dismantled by the U.S. other than the Natives and their music were the languages and music of the African slaves. The apparent likeness of these two cultures in the ways in which their deconstruction impacted them is in more of an abundance, such as the dominating influence of the Christian religion and the gravely vital role of maintaining what little heritage they could through language. In contrast to this, the two groups had an opposing difference pertaining to how the Natives and slaves tried to compensate the immense loss of their culture through the generations.
Long ago on the great plains, the buffalo roamed and the Native Americans lived amongst each other. They were able to move freely across the lands until the white men came and concentrated them into certain areas. Today there are more than five-hundred different tribes with different beliefs and history. Native Americans still face problems about the horrific history they went through and today 's discrimination. The removal of American Indian tribes is one of the most tragic events in American history. There are many treaties that have been signed by American representatives and people of Indian tribes that guaranteed peace and the values of the Indian territories. The treaties were to assure that fur trade would continue without interruption. The American people wanting Indian land has led to violent conflict between the two. Succeeding treaties usually forced the tribes to give up their land to the United States government. There were laws made for Native American Displacement that didn’t benefit the Native Americans, these laws still have long lasting effects on them today, and there was a huge number of Native Americans killed for many reasons.
Native Americans have been through a lot in America. They were the first ones here and they still are here. But the problem is that Native Americans are still treated with disrespect. There are still a lot of prejudice and racism against the Native Americans. I believe that if a race could survive after all the wars and disease that the Native