
Examples Of Nature In Huckleberry Finn

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Hearing a wide variety of beautiful birds and seeing the glistening sunlight reflections over a river is an everyday occurrence in nature. It is the place people go to ease strong feelings by prevailing the beauty of the untamed woods. The woods at which a multitude of creatures and occasional people use for protection from opposing thoughts or actions. Obtaining protection from nature is one of man’s best ways of securing their safety from the unwilling. With the tremendous amount of foliage, the woods are able to conceal any person like the spots on a fawn. The idea of nature is a common idea in the book, “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.” Huckleberry Finn, the main character is able to manipulate through nature to procure his own thoughts …show more content…

The main character Huck Finn liked being in nature more than being civilized. Huck mentions, “It was kind of lazy and jolly, laying off comfortable all day, smoking and fishing, and no books nor study” (36). Being in nature, Huck perceives he has greater amounts of freedom to do the things he likes and he is free from Widow Douglas’ incentive to make become educated and civilized. Huck being in nature for the majority of his adventure enabled him to express his true personality. Huck is interested in living day by day and not having to worry about preparing for a school assignment the next day. Huck slowly becomes his own self and less reliant on others the longer he is in the wilderness. This is not inconvenient to Huck since he functions better under his own control. During the time he was on Jackson’s Island with Jim, he enjoyed listening to the birds and watching them pass by. Jim told him the ways the birds passed by meant a storm was incoming and later on a storm did indeed strike. Huck would not of been able to relish these moments with Jim if he were still civilized. On the other hand, Jim used the freedom provided by nature to stay out of enslavement. Being able to live where there is limited people allows Jim to stay hidden from many of those that just want to put him to work. Jim does not mind being uncivilized if it meant he was free. Nature also gave him hope to see his family that was long lost in the past. The closest friend he has is Huck. Without nature they would not be able to become close friends since whites and blacks were not supposed to become close. Huck not caring about being civilized, realizes Jim has feelings too. Throughout their journey to freedom they tell many stories and they love the freedom nature has given them. Until one day Jim is caught and Tom Sawyer’s Aunt Sally recognizes Huck’s true identity. Tom tells Aunt Sally Miss

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