
Examples Of Panache In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Panache is officially defined as “flamboyant confidence of style or manner” and this is commonly seen in literature. I believe panache is the swag that people act with and how they use it to benefit others around them including themselves. One example of Panache in literature is the book A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini. The book is about two women, Mariam and Laila, and their life story of growing up in Afghanistan culture. Both Mariam and Laila are forced into an abusive arranged marriage with a man named Rasheed. After many years of dealing with their awful husband he pushes mariam and Laila over the edge and they murder him. They try to run away with their child but are caught and sent to jail. Now that story may not seem filled with …show more content…

This novel is about two characters different struggles during world war two one character a young german boy living in the coal towns and the other a blind french girl living in Paris. However it is neither of those characters that demonstrate panache. The main character in All The Light We Cannot See who shows try panache is Marie Laure’s, the blind girls, great uncle Etienne LeBlanc. Etienne was a world war 1 veteran and suffered some kind post traumatic stress from serving. In the beginning part of the book he struggled to stop hiding from people and had trouble speaking, but when Marie-Laure and his wife needed help with radios he became much better. He somewhat developed a flamboyant confidence but much more important was able to give up his old self and become close to Marie-Laure which really helped later on in the book. A third example of Panache is Louis Zamperini in the book Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Louis Zamperini was an American track star and an olympian in the early 1900s but was required to fight in WW2 where he became a POW camp survivor but before all that Louis had a rough

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