
Examples Of Phenomenology

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This shall be a qualitative participatory research approach which will be informed by Phenomenology theory methodology. Phenomenology will be used to explore the day-to-day lived experience with hydro energy by key providers, consumers and energy policy makers. The researcher sought to uncover the essences, interpret, and describe the meaning of this relationship of energy providers and consumers.
Hermeneutic phenomenology is a method used to describe, interpret, and understand lived experience in an effort to discover meaning rather than to explain and predict (Morse, 1991). The phenomenological research method is a “systematic, explicit, self-critical, and intersubjective study of its subject matter, of lived experience” (van Manen, 1990, p. 11). Phenomenology is a way to investigate subjective phenomena, and is based on the belief that essential truths about reality are grounded in everyday experience (Spiegelberg, 1975; van Manen, 1984, 1990). Because phenomenology examines the meaning that lived experience has in people’s lives, it is a valuable research method in sustainable energy.
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This illumination may give direction to sustainable development in the area of safe energy or rather alternative energy to hydro energy, such as, the formulation of other questions or a different way of responding to sustainable energy. The results from this study can provide information for future interventions and policies, generate further research questions and enhance theory development and solar energy

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