
Examples Of Prejudice And Discrimination In The Workplace

Decent Essays

Are you a part of the workforce? Try to picture in your head who works around you. Now, how many of those people are White, Hispanic, and African American? Prejudice and Discrimination are two guilty acts that we the people do in nature. The actions are intertwined to form a vicious cycle between different groups of people.

Prejudice is making an assumption or hostile opinion towards a group of people. In the workplace, prejudice is common amongst authorities. For example, business corporations are guilty for that act. People with tyrannical personalities tend to recognize individuals as inferior to those is higher positions. To further explain, if the male boss of a corporation is hiring for a position, and it comes down to a white male and white female, the white male is more likely to be picked. Men think to hire someone like them, because they assume the employee will deliver the same qualities as them. Without knowing the capabilities of the woman, the boss identifies the man as superior. Essentially, no matter the knowledge of his work ethic, he is seen as the “better” fit for the job. All in all, prejudice is perceived as a natural behavior in the workplace. …show more content…

It all started when Americans took people from Africa and enslaved them to do their work. African Americans were seen as the inferior race. They were discriminated against because of the color of their skin. Once permitted to work for money, they were segregated into lower income jobs. As a result, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed to allow fair employment opportunites no more your race, national origin, etc. To sum up, racial discrimination was prevalent throughout American because whites didn’t want to share the capabilities of the American

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