
Examples Of Psychological Conflict At Lear

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In fact, the psychological conflict at Lear is the result of weakness and lack of awareness of what he does because he was selfish, arrogant and does not listen to the advice of those close to his Kingdom as a result; he banishes Kent out of the kingdom because he stands against his incorrect decisions. which is against his daughter and the right division of the Kingdom in addition to the foolish tried bitterness and reluctance to ignorance avoid sin but he was stubborn, proud, selfishness, and insensitive. He does not know what to do because of his foolishness and weak personality as a result, one may think, Lear, reached to the madness because he was inflicted by the conflict between the reason and passion that led him to sense …show more content…

Thou art a lady: If only to go warm were gorgeous, Why, nature needs not what thou gorgeous wear’st. (II, iv.305-310). Furthermore, in the storm scene, the Fool asks him to enter the hut. Lear refuses to enter it and prepares himself for facing the storm with bare head and his eyes stare wildly, the storm which expresses a struggle within the mind of Lear to bear all kinds of psychological and physical punishment. He appears gradually weakened by the cold storm and feels pity for the fool and expresses his regret for the strength of the cold. LEAR says: My wits begin to turn.—
Come on, my boy. How dost, my boy? Art cold?
I am cold myself.—Where is this straw, my fellow?
The art of our necessities is …show more content…

Shakespeare seems to stress his independence of the medieval idea of tragedy and shows in the true Renaissance spirit that man is an architect of his fate and not a victim of the blind goddess fortune. (Frnaham,1963:18). In Act I. Scene I, it seems that the blindness begins in Lear’s selfishness and makes him blind to see the reality of his daughters, he is unaware of the fear and hatred that Goneril and Regan have for him as a consequence of his preference for Cordelia. His physician and consultant Kent gives him the following advice: see better, Lear: see better, Lear (I.i.14). In addition, Kent implies that Lear is blinded-blind to see the fact that Cordelia is the loyal daughter while Goneril and Regan are the evil spawn. So it can be said that the roots of all Lear's problems are his lack of good judgment and blindness. Mr. D. G. James in The Dream of Learning has observed

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