
Examples Of Refocus On Revision In Hamlet

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Refocus on Revision
The introduction of advanced analysis and literature concepts into curriculum during high school was a defining moment for my academia experience. Writing to convey an analysis from a comprehensive text became one of my strongest interests and was what helped me determine what kind of scholar I was and the kind that I wanted to be. Over time I have had it made known to me the never-ending possibilities within the world of analysis and have simultaneously worked through the often times difficult intricacies of the literature process. For this particular season of my initial writing experiences within college, I once again have been blessed with a fresh perspective on how to perform analysis. Throughout the course of the semester I have been offered many chances to improve and received them to my advantage in the way I best knew how. But the process of taking the work you produce and fitting it into the “new and improved” category regarding writing quality and intention can set up the interpretations and understandings of it to become entangled with one another. The following excerpt of my work was written during a premature point in my understanding of how characters use rhetoric as both a concept and tool for conversation and accurately reveals my misinterpretation of the artistry of communication.
“In many scenes within Hamlet, the rhetoric backing the audience serves as a pathway for the encounter to follow. Very strategic conversational movements were

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