
Examples Of Symbolic Interactionism

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“Symbolic interactionism has always maintained an intimate stance towards the everyday life world, and its concerns, and languages.” (Kotarbo, 2014) As a young girl growing up in a mixed household, symbolic function has sure affected me daily. Both sides of my family are very diverse. Symbolic interaction allows us to understand contract how the social order and social change are shaped.
Symbolic function has affected by my ethnicity in many ways. On my paternal side, my father is 50% white and 50% Samoan. His mother being full Samoan and his father being full white. My father mainly grew up around his Samoan side of the family. His father came from a small family and wasn’t into their culture that much. His mother came from a huge family. …show more content…

Symbolic interactionism sees face-to-face interactionism as the mold of everything in society in general. Through interactionism that’s when we create meaningful social reality. Some students will have Spanish homework along with their English. I can only help them English. It’s a big disadvantage of not speaking Spanish. I shouldn’t blame my family members for not teaching me how to speak/understand Spanish. I should change that and try to learn for myself. Learning Spanish would be very beneficial to me in ways.
Symbolic interactionism has affected me through my gender. Gender refers to the physical, behavioral, and personality traits that a group considers to be normal, right, and good for its male and female members. (Ferris and Stein, 2016) Gender roles can be carried traditionally and personally. Women in my family are traditionally socialized. Gender roles are taught from at a young age and continue into adulthood. For example, my paternal grandmother would always expect me to have a role to doing chores, since I was a girl growing up. I would be expected to take over to clean the dishes if she seen one of my brothers or dad doing it.

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