
Symbolic Interactionism Theory Of Smoking

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Symbolic Interactionism Theory “sees interactions and meanings as central to society, and assumes that meanings are not inherent, but are created through interactions” (Chp. 1 Theory). An example of Symbolic Interactionism Theory is smoking (informal). Smoking is harmful to your health. A person may associate a meaning for smoking. They might use smoking for means as a way to meet a new friend. When two smokers meet, and one offers the other a cigarette, that is a way to become acquainted with someone. The gesture here is the offer of a cigarette from one person to another. This gesture is positively sanctioned because the person makes a new friend. The negative sanction is the harmful effects that a cigarette has on a person’s …show more content…

This is associated with larger ideology in our society because in our society, it is considered rude and creepy to stare at people. I believe that this is a norm because people tend to be more introverted or personal nowadays, and they do not want others to be nosy. This is most likely a norm in most cultures because it is considered rude. This norm is often sanctioned negatively when broken because it is rude to stare at others. I think that race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and age play a factor as to how people around them respond. Race, gender, sexual orientation, religion and age also affect the response of the person as well. If a white person is being targeted by this experiment, then more people would notice and more people would probably react and ask me what I was doing. If an African-American was being targeted by this experiment, then people would not act as concerned. EXPERIMENT TIME The experiment was conducted was April 3, 2017 at 9:16 AM at the Building E Sitting area. My partner, Matthews, and I were seated near the window in E. The test subjects around us were of many different races and both genders. All of them seemed to be middle-class and around the ages of 18-21. The subjects that we experimented were all male. Our first subject was named Cameron. I saw Cameron sitting at his table from our table. He was about 3 tables away from us and was on his phone. I told Mathews that

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