
Examples Of Synthesis Essay

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Synthesis Essay

Throughout the world, there has been those wanting change. This is unavoidable in society as the oppressed will want to gain power to be equals, at least, to their “superiors”. People do whatever they can to gain power whether that means with money or social status. These things that signify power are what drives people to become desperate for equality. Any means of achieving the goal of ending inequality between sexes, races and religions would be used to gain even the smallest sliver of hope for status among others. If there was not the benefit from having the advantage of having social status to gain money in anyway possible people would not find the need to fight for their equality.
Many times people are discriminated by the way they look. They may be profiled by many groups who are discriminated against. Black women may have had it the hardest since blacks were treated poorly by the white people of America along with the fact that women were not given the same rights as men since they were considered the lesser sex. Sojourner Truth states in a speech about her experiences as a black woman, “Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place!”(Gilbert 253). She was not even given the same courtesies a white woman was given …show more content…

Many women did not have freedom from men. They were controlled and told by a man in their life as to what they should do. Women fought for freedom to enable themselves to be their own source of income and control their finances. Women often worked in just as harsh conditions as men and pled for equality. “I could work as much and eat as much as a man--when I could get it--and bear the lash as well!”(Gilbert 253). This quote was used to not only establish women’s contribution but to challenge men’s self proclaimed superiority. Men often did not listen to women in order to keep their power over

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