
Examples Of The Flaws In Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo’s Greatest Flaws In Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is one of the two central protagonists who exhibits many strong and influential characteristics, he is faced with many immense obstacles, yet his biggest obstacle to surmount might end up being his own great flaws, as throughout the play Romeo is principally impulsive and sensitive. One example of how he is sensitive is how sad, depressed and melancholy he was over Rosaline, a girl he barely knew. When he found out that he could not be with her he was very unsettled and even depressed. Montague tells Benvolio: “With tears augmenting the fresh morning’s dew, Adding to clouds more clouds with his deep sighs...Away from the light steals my heavy son, And private in his chamber …show more content…

In these lines, Romeo’s father, Lord Montague, speaks of Romeo as if he is very depressed and morose. When Montague says, “with his deep sighs”, it is clear that Romeo is very upset in learning he cannot be with his newly encountered love, Rosaline. In addition to that, Montague says, “makes himself an artificial night”. In these distinct lines, Montague conveys to Benvolio and Lady Capulet that Romeo shuts up his windows and creates an artificial darkness, Romeo most likely wants to be by himself and feels very disheartened and discouraged. Romeo is sensitive in this matter because he is so gloomy over Rosaline, a girl he recently met, so it would be unusual to have feelings as strong as that towards a somewhat stranger. An equally significant aspect of Romeo’s character is that he is very impulsive, an example of this is how he decided to have Juliet’s hand in marriage almost instantly and knew he was in love seconds after seeing her face, as I have said, later Romeo asks Juliet to marry him, he is impulsive because he barely knows Juliet and does not yet know the consequences of his actions. Friar Laurence tells Romeo: “Wast thou with Rosaline...Holy Saint Francis, what a change is here! Is Rosaline, that thou didst love

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