
Examples Of Transcendentalism

Decent Essays

Transcendentalism Nowadays many people have their opinions on theories and philosophies about life. Many books have been written and published that focuses on the ideas of people in the past and the present. Transcendentalism happens to be one of them. There has been endless writings about this subject. Transcendentalism has played in role in many peoples lives since the early days of philosophy. The idea of transcendentalism was only understood by few people because the idea of it was too complex for many to understand. Henry David Thoreau stated, “I should have told them I was a transcendentalist. That would have been the shortest way of telling them they would not understand my explanations” (Reuben 1). Only people who were able to call themselves “transcendentalist” had their own thoughts of what transcendentalism was, which we figure were actually based on the thoughts of others. Transcendentalism was defined almost like a philosophy. It was very well put and organized for everyone to believe in. The philosophy had people trust in themselves and believe their own thoughts. In Reuben’s website, Noah Porter, an American academic and philosopher made this statement, “ The word Transcendentalism, as used at is present day, has two applications. One of which is popular and indefinite, the other, …show more content…

A famous work of his is the essay “Self-Reliance.” In the essay Emerson wrote on the idea that the individual should be completely reliant on God. He said God has put the power to handle things, think, and act into each individual and the indiviodual needs to trust what God has put inside them to do things with life. Emerson’s idea is that God gave of the gift of choice (Runes 362). Emerson had another idea that involved the idea of trusting ourselves through God. He said has to trust God to tell them what to do and what to think and God will be willing to provide answers (Runes

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