
Examples Of Trickery In Much A Do About Nothing

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Much A Do About Trickery and Deceit In the play Much A Do About Nothing by William Shakespeare, trickery and deceit are main themes. These two themes catch an audience’s attention, keep them entertained and what not. There are many examples actually that show how trickery and deception are used. Many of the characters in Much A Do About Nothing show this. For example, Benedick, Beatrice, Don Pedro, Borachio, Claudio and more… Let’s not forget when Don Pedro tells Claudio he’ll woo Hero for Claudio, when Claudio and Don Pedro tend to shame Hero for supposedly not being a virgin, or even Benedick and Beatrice’s feelings and attitudes toward each other. There are many other examples but those are one of the main one’s. Now when Don Pedro tells Claudio that he’ll woo Hero for Claudio to marry her, trickery is being used in this scene, as well as deception. He was tricking her to believe that Don Pedro himself has feelings for Hero. “If I can cross him in any way, I bless myself in every way. You are both sure, and will assist me?” (1.1. 54-55) Don John stated this. Basically after this, Don John and Borachio deceive …show more content…

A little after the marriage, Claudio says to Leonato that the night before he, Don Pedro, and Don John watched Hero talk with a vile man at her window that this man confessed to having sexual encounters with Hero many times before! Then it appears that Don Pedro supports those accusations and then together with Don John accuse Hero of not being a virgin. The one’s actually doing that were in fact Borachio, and Margaret. Yet, Don Pedro and Claudio are led to believe that the woman was Hero. “If you dare not trust what you see, confess not that you know. If you follow me, I will show you enough. And when you have seen more and heard more, proceed accordingly” (1.3. 103-106) Don John by saying this was trying to shame

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