
Examples Of Utilitarianism

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Discussions of philosophy, morality and metaphysics are all inherently religious. It is impossible to ignore the question of faith when posed with the question of an overarching truth. This is difficult to accept for one who has learned, through years in secularity, to separate her faith from her schooling. I have spent some time separating religion from academics, pulling them apart and undertaking every intellectual activity with an asterisk to avoid the stigma of peers, but there comes a point at which the endeavoring student is asked for the truth, precisely as it is, without falsehood or premise, and at that point Christianity must make its return to the intellectual sphere or be denied. I choose the former, and I make my argument from …show more content…

Utility calculus is then obtained by a genuine 'moral arithmetic'. (Baujard …show more content…

The world has meaning, which is God, and is not absurd: we experience it as absurd, or illogical, when from our limited faculty we cannot perceive a meaning, but this is a condition of ourselves, and not the world. There is no Other as it is portrayed. The Other is a summary of our perceptions, but no true entity; we are not pour-autrui but pour-soi, and however we may feel about society, our essence is only defined by other people if we let it be. There is a degree to which the influence of others is inescapable, for we are taught by parents and others close by before we are old enough to be truly conscious, discerning beings, but when that stage is reached we take over responsibility for what we become. We are taught the values and the ethics of a society, which we can then reject. If we choose, we can then allow others to hold sway over us, or let God work through us (far easier said than done) but from the realization of our sentience, the choice becomes ours. In the assertion of free will, existentialism is correct: our eventual accountability to a higher authority follows from our freedom on earth, and does not diminish

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