
Examples Of Utilitarianism

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It is a form of consequentialism and it states that actions are morally right or wrong depending on their outcome and effect. The only effect of a particular action that is relevant, are the good and bad results produced. Early utilitarian thinkers like John Gay and Richard Cumberland believed that promoting human happiness was approved by God. A person's salvation and her their eternal happiness depended on their conformity to God's will. Jeremy Bentham was influenced by Hobbes' account of human nature and Hume's account of social utility. He thought that humans were ruled by the two “sovereign masters” of pleasure and pain. He introduces a method of calculating the value of pleasure and pain which is known as the ‘hedonic calculus’. …show more content…

For example, if we imagined a scenario where the Government decided that to benefit their society they would stop giving money to those in need. As a result of this choice they would become significantly wealthy but in the process the minority they stopped giving money to became poor. This would have been according to utilitarianism justifiable because it utilised maximum pleasure for a large group of people. If we had to add justice as a deciding factor then utilitarianism is not the only principle that guides our decisions, it only plays a minor role in the outcome. Utilitarianism must consider the interests of all persons involved and not just the pleasure or pain of the one individual. In addition, Utilitarianism cannot differentiate the source of ‘utility’. An example could be that some people may get ‘utility’ from viewing a pleasant scene in nature and other from viewing sadistic acts. Here the same amount of utility is gained from each scenario with each individual gaining the same levels of pleasure. This is troubling because we would want to separate the sources deriving of pleasure and that of pain, so that pleasure should not be equivalent to that of getting pleasure from harming

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