
Examples Of Valoar Legacy

Satisfactory Essays

The legacy I will leave behind is my creativity, which is my art. I will leave a piece of art behind that represents me, my fellow scholars, and the opportunities we were given. I want my art to give people inspiration and motivation, I want to leave a symbol that shows what we stand for what Valor stands for. This will give the scholars at valor the strive to be part of their community. I want the valor students to take advantage of the opportunities their given, I want everyone to prosper and reach their dream. This all starts with a little motivation every now and then, I want people to be a big part of the Valor family. I hope that every student in Valor can make great changes in the world, face challenges and overcome them to be successful. Valor gives great opportunities and I would like it if the students at valor gave back to valor someday, and leave their own legacies. …show more content…

I didn’t think of making a legacy I wanted to Spread the Valor legacy “we're all here to

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