My family is the most important persons I exercise stewardship over. Other than my salvation, they are my most prized possessions. I provide for my family by cooking, cleaning, providing daily care for them. Provide financial and emotional support, teaching them the love of Christ and taking them to church. Being a positive role model, a mother and wife they can be proud of. God has entrusted me with their care and I take that responsibility seriously with a grateful heart.
I also strive to exercise stewardship over personal belongings, money, assets and spiritual gifts. My family tithes and gives to others in need. As a nurse, I exercise stewardship by providing companionate care to our patients and offer supportive leadership to direct care
Human Services, Inc. stands by meeting the needs of the client and the community. If a client does not have insurance or no income, we still allow them to receive mental health services. They are required, being Human Services, Inc. is a county contracted organization, to fill out a liability form that ultimately determines how much is due at the end of each month for services. Most of the time, the services are covered by the county. This agency also meets the needs of the community due to accepting almost all insurances, coordinating with public transportation, in addition to coordinating with internal and external resources. This agency does not meet all the needs of the community for the reason that there is always room for
The Post Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act requires the Administrator of the FEMA, to planning and coordination with the heads of appropriate agencies, carried out through authorities that created the National Exercise Program. The Nation’s exercise program is national initiative is to improve, test and assess the nation’s preparedness and resiliency. Immediate assessing preparedness against a set of common national preparedness and mitigation priorities, the objectives, the program improves preparedness and flexibility and affects priorities, policies and fiscal decisions. The National Exercise Program serves as the principal device for analyzing the preparedness and readiness of America across the entire management enterprise and homeland
As part of the Therapeutic Recreation (TR) for Special Population course, I simulated four disabilities. The purpose of the exercise was to: learn more about the disability, develop empathy and appreciation for individuals living with a disability, reflect on my own values regarding individuals with a disability, and to reflect upon the TR service delivery requirements for groups and individuals with a disability.
My family is the most important thing for me, I would die for them, I would do anything for them to keep them alive, and they would do the same for me. Sometimes I don't show any affection to my relatives, and that is what makes it difficult for them to communicate with me. I try to be affectionate with them, but I get uncomfortable or uneasy. But, aside from that, I still love them, and as said before, I will give my whole existence for any of them. Familia will always be there for you, no matter what, and if they are not, then I do not know what they are. A family is supposed to have your back, supporting you wherever they are and wherever you are, anywhere you go. Even if you think you are a grown independent human, you will forever need them, there will always be a moment where you will be sad and you will want to go back with your mamá or your papá, or even your abuelos, or uncles. And, let me tell you, no matter what you think, the past is in the past the present is the present, they will not care, they will forever love you, and will be happy to see you
Getting great time with my family has always been a big priority. It helps to balance me as a person, and my girls help me keep my ego in check. My wife has always been my biggest fan and I hers. I couldn't do what I do without her love and support. Even when times were rough (most of our time together), one of us always stayed home while the other worked. I think that is paying very good dividends in our girls now.
My family consists of my husband and me. Depending on the situation, we take on different functions within our family to best support the other one. I currently support our family economically by being the only wage earner in our family. However, my husband organizes our budget and ensures the bills are paid on time. My husband does the grocery shopping and cooking. I maintain the cleanliness of our home. We both encourage one another to achieve our goals and support each other through any challenges.
My personal philosophy its important for me that I stay true to my personal, moral and ethical values that has followed me throughout my life. The American Nursing Association stats “ The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence and to continue personal and professional growth”. (American Nurse Association, 2011, p. 7)
My family plays an important role in my life. I have a strong relationship with my parents, three sisters, two older brothers and my husband. My younger brother left the home when he was 12 years old and the family has no contact with him. My family strength is our support system and helping each other out. The other systems education, work, social interaction and health are also important in my life.
people, and disquieting to the ones who walk inside our door. To me, my family is more than
In “An evaluation of a college exercise leader program: using exercise science students as advocates for behavior modification” the researchers are attempting to evaluate the behavior changes needed to begin and maintain a comprehensive exercise prescription program. The problem identified was a result of data found from an evidence based health risk assessment distributed throughout their target population. These results showed that students, faculty, and staff all had a “desire to be physically active, lose weight and use the colleges fitness, yet many were simply unaware of how to get started”(Armstrong et al, 2014). This health problem is consistently seen on campus across the nation as many students, faculty and staff enter the college atmosphere without the knowledge of how to maintain and engage themselves in an active lifestyle. The National College Health Assessment has reported that 34.1% of college students are classified as overweight and obese, 58% of them being female and 34% of them being male (Armstrong et al, 2014). These students have also
Establishing a positive relationship with the staff and treating them with respects, would make them feel valued members of the team, provide satisfaction and acknowledgement and it contributes to a positive workout. (McCabe & Sambrook, 2014). Improved and excellent nursing care can be accomplished if there is adequate support and assisted individuals (nurses) to maximize their potential and for teams to work in partnership by working closer through shared working relationships to accomplish integrated care and service (Spear, Thornton, & Long
To begin, family is at the upper extreme of the many things I am grateful for. Without them, I do not know what would have become of me. My family is the main reason I am who
Good afternoon Muna, I agree that the hardest part in starting a fitness regime is getting started. However, before the action takes place the actual hardest part is the rational decision to change one’s lifestyle. The most difficult part is to accept that there is an issue to address regarding health and wellness. After one makes, the decision to improve their health the next question is how. When I began my weight loss journey, I had the hardest time at 265lbs trying to develop a fitness and nutrition regime customized to my healthcare needs. So I appreciate your statement that “everyone’s fitness goals and needs are unique to them” (Dempsy). Certainly true, for instance, no one diabetic is the same. Although a diabetes patient encounters the same diagnosis, diabetes management is different. Therefore, the PARQUE assessment is a valuable resource to determine what areas people should focus upon to improve their well-being. Additionally, credible health and wellness resources are available to help the public find a fitness plan that works for their goals.
The concept of stewardship is an ongoing part of nursing. As defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary, stewardship is “the activity or job of protecting and being responsible for something.” In this case that something corresponds to the nursing field as a whole. The concept of stewardship is not thought of as often as it should be. Sometimes stewardship can be confused with religious meanings or often is simply not a topic that is heavily weighted. However stewardship is indeed an intricate concept that is vital for the overall success of nursing. I believe stewardship in nursing is the ability to improve, enhance, and oversee the prosperity of how nursing as a whole functions. Stewardship entails many areas of concern such as safety, increased autonomy from other health care professions, accreditation, economics, and most importantly the overall needs of the patient. As nursing’s future continues to change, stewardship is vital in developing life-long learning practices and ultimately shaping current and future leaders. In order for standards of practice to support the future, nurse leaders demonstrating stewardship must be able to collaborate to form innovative models of care delivery in order to best serve the patient and work efficiently within the health care system. In this paper I will be discussing what defines stewardship and why it is important in nursing. Next, current issues involving stewardship in
Family is a group of people who live together to support each other in good and bad times. The main role of family in the lives of human is to develop in them a sense of security