
Exercising The Exercise Of Exercise

Decent Essays

Many people have a different opinion on working out. Some might say that it is “too hard” or that “it’s not for them” but, little do they know that it is much more than just working muscles in your body. Exercising is not only working on the outside but also on the inside. Exercising pushes you to do things that normal you wouldn’t want to do or think that you could do. When exercising you are working your brain in ways that it is not normal worked. Many people do not understand the importance of exercising and do not get the recommended amount of exercise. According to Centers of Disease Control (CDC), “80 percent of American adults don’t get the recommended exercise.” 323,607,375 million people live in the United States and only 80 percent exercise. As a result in regular exercise, one’s mind, attitude, and how one lives their day to day life is surprisingly affected.
However, in this day and age people exercise to achieve the best looking body but, many people also forget that exercising is not only working muscles in your body but also working the mind just as much. According to Princeton Brain and Spin, “The brain is arguably the most important organ in your body.” Your brain is no different than the rest of the muscles in your body. You can either use it or lose it. There are many different ways to exercise the brain, it doesn 't have to be an extremely intense workout. Taking your dog for a walk, playing outside with your kids, skipping, jumping and running are

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