
Existential Theory Of The Case Of Margarita

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In the case of Margarita, who has been married to her husband for five years which there is a 10-year difference and has two kids, she has had sudden outburst of anger and she gets so mad to the point she is thinking about physically assaulting her husband. She cannot remember what he does to provoke her. Her husband tries to calm her down, she is afraid that he may leave her due to these outbursts. She does not like to be around people, she feels depress every day, only people that see her depress is her family. She feels she needs to put on a fake smile to get her through work. She likes when she is in charge and she has had previously panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. There is no previous sexual or physical abuse. She has had …show more content…

The human nature in Existential theory approach is the understanding that issues are not necessarily fixed for good but comes around when we go through other issues. Individuals are always changing and we ask questions about ourselves as well as other individuals (Corey, 2015). According to this theory approach, there are six dimensions of human conditions, first is being self-aware; the more we know ourselves the more we live and expect more from life, second, freedom and responsibility; we are the only ones who can create our future, our life situations, we have to take responsibility for our actions, third, aim for personal identity and relationship with other individuals; four, look for meaning; individuals go to counseling to seek meaning of what is going on with their lives, existential therapist can help with clients trying to find meaning, fifth, anxiety from personal living condition; and lastly, being aware to death and nonbeing; in the Existential approach, counselors do not see death as negative but see it as part of living. It should help individuals appreciate life more. In Existential theory, the role of the counselor analyzes the client 's issues such as death, meaning and issues with love. In this case, Margarita 's best friend died and she wish it was her instead of her friend. The counselor

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