
Therapeutic Interaction Analysis

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2. Evaluate 5 therapeutic Interactions within the Session
1. Interaction: 180-195 Time: – As previously noted, a strong therapeutic rapport has been developed between Mike and the therapist. In the last several sessions, Mike has come prepared to discuss a certain topic or brought a new piece of information, song or poem. Mike often connects his emotions with other things in order to express himself. Mike has taken it upon himself to bring these different things into his sessions, without prompting from the therapist. These transactions from Mike to the therapist is considered to be a contribution to the strong rapport that has been formed through the egalitarian approach of therapy.
2. Interaction: 337-376 Time: …show more content…

Several minutes of each session is devoted to providing Mike time to express his current interests. This time is important as one of Mike’s symptoms of a depressive episode is lack on interest in hobbies. In this interaction, Mike and the therapist are exchanging their interests in television shows, when the therapist uses a show to make a connection with ideas of isolation, which Mike, a symptom which he often struggles. Discussing the premise of the show allowed for a natural connection to his current understanding of isolation to ideas of isolation where there is no human contact. Mike now has a stronger grasp on what he can consider isolation, because he now admits that, although he is alone in his apartment, he still interacts with others. The therapist can now allow for a gradual increase in the type of interactions Mike has regularly, as he prepares to enter GED …show more content…

Imagery and the mental processing of his past was provided through poetry that Mike reports to have remembered through the years. The problem is that the therapist does not continue to investigate what the meaning behind Mike’s interpretation of the poetry. Also, the therapist does no ask how the poetry may continue to affect him as he allowed Mike to change topics. Mike continually presented emotional or sensitive information, but changes the topic. Perhaps this occurs because he feels uncomfortable or for other reasons, but because the therapist does not provide further enquiry, this is unknown.
4. Interaction: 250-270, Time: – An Existential approach is the foundation argued in the therapist’s therapeutic orientation. In this interaction, Mike provides ideas with existential implications to which he often does in therapy. The therapist attempts to continue the theme with ideas of philosophy and philosophical readings which did not hold Mike’s interest. The intention of this sessions was to integrate an existential exercise, but the therapist did not introduce it now. It is considered to be a missed opportunity to invoke more existential thinking and exploration for Mike.
5. Interaction: 323-435 Time: –

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