
Existentialism In 'The Stranger' By Director Luchino Visconti

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The Stranger is a 1967 movie by director Luchino Visconti, based on Albert Camus' novel L'Étranger. The movie tells about Mersault's friend Sintès beating his girlfriend and being sued by her. At court Mersault testifies to his friend's advantage. Sintès is getting irrelevant but the girl's male relatives follow Mersault. He shoots one of them and ends up in prison.
First of all, modern consciousness is based on getting more out of spiritual, being common, getting simple, celebrating of human, and indifference of nature. This new mentality leads human to be more irrational than rational. Death of reason is a trigger for lots of writers and philosophers. For example, the ambiance of The Stranger contains this irrationality of Mersault. This …show more content…

Decisions make a person to be exist. Mersault’s life contains lots of scenes of making decisions. But these decisions do not make any sense to him such as he does not even care marrying or not marrying. Life is absurd for him. In the beginning, his mother dies but he does not feel any sorry for her. There is no reason for mourning for him. Her death does not seem to have a big effect on him which is a sign of not to give any value onto life which is a sign of absurdity. The way he handles his mother’s death also emphasizes the concept of individualism view point that existentialists seem to have. Existentialism concerns itself very much with the idea of free will, and person’s feelings towards their existence and how they handle with life. Mersault is a man who lives alone trying to keep up with the outside life. But fails a part of social norms, he seems a stranger to life. Moreover, as mentioned before he does not see life a meaningful. Similarly, the killing of the Arab seems meaningless as well. When he and his friends go to the coastal, they come across to the Arabs. After quarrelling with them, he does not have any idea to shoot him. But intense heat of the sun which makes him feeling uncomfortable and leads to him shooting. Nature is not nice to him, to shoot the Arab or not to shoot him is not making any difference to him and he shoots not once but multiple times. He does not feel …show more content…

In novel, Mersault does not feel those emotions too. While some criminals feel satisfaction to act like criminals or innocents act like being happy to stay the same, Mersault does not have any feeling of satisfaction of guilt or happines. The concept of being irrational can be recognized in his actions when he is arrested. He does not attempt to confess or deny his guilt. Approval of being guilty which is his decision drives his life to a chaotic position. But Mersault has no discernable reason for his actions. …………???????????????????

Existence of God is not accepted by existentialists. When suggesting Mersault to follow the God, he refuses. God is not giving any sense him to believe in his life. Because human is alone on earth with his thoughts. There is any moment that he believes in God. In Existentialism Is a Humanism: ‘’The existentialist, on the contrary, finds it extremely embarrassing that God does not exist, for there disappears with Him all possibility of finding values in an intelligible heaven.’’

In conclusion, as be analized in Mersault’s way of life, life has no rational meaning or order as for Albert Camus. The character of the novel has trouble to deal with his essence and he continually struggles to find any meaning where none

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