
Experience Of Service Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

My favorite experience of service was being involved in CASA Operation Christmas Child. It is run throughout the school with the foster care system of the surrounding area. Each club is to raise money and buy gifts for the foster children. The day before Christmas break we have a pep rally and then a party after school where all the kids come, have snacks, and open some gifts. As soon as I heard about this I signed up to go shopping with student council. I love kids and I knew I could pick the perfect gifts. We were given age groups and then told to divide and conquer. The next morning, we organized the toys and put together the stocking stuffers. In the afternoon we had the pep rally and after that the party. I didn't know what to expect going to the party, since I was a freshman. …show more content…

I saw that most students sat down and starting playing with the kids or talking to them, so I did the same. They were 2 girls and weren't allowed to open their gifts, because their foster parent preferred to have them under the tree and open them on Christmas Day. My friends and I talked to them, got to know them, ate snacks, and met Santa. While talking to them they said their favorite game was ring around the rosy, so we played that until it was time to go. We loaded their gifts into the car and said our goodbyes. Their foster parent thanked us personally and told us Christmas would not be the same without us. While we were cleaning up, a lady introduced herself to us, she was the one in charge of foster care, she also thanked us and told us that the difference we make in the children's lives is

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